
UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 441 - Chapter 45: SSL E Channel Strip
Expand Attack Attack defines the duration between the input signal reaching the thresh-
old and processing being applied by the expander/gate. Attack time is
normally auto-sensing and program dependent. When Fast Attack is en-
abled, attack time is 1ms.
Fast Attack is active when the “F.ATK” LED (4K: “F.ATT”) is illuminated. To
toggle Fast Attack, click the LED or its label text.
Dynamics Enable These three buttons determine the status of the dynamics
Dynamics In (DYN IN)
The DYN IN button enables both the compressor/limiter
and the expander/gate modules; neither module will function when DYN IN
is disabled. Each dynamics module is enabled when the LED below the but-
tons are illuminated.
DYN IN is useful for quickly comparing the original signal dynamics to the dy-
namically processed signal.
Important: DYN IN must be engaged to enable compressor/limiter and/or
expander/gate processing.
Expander In (EXP IN)
The EXP IN button enables the expander/gate module. The module is enabled
when the EXP IN LED is illuminated. This button has no effect when DYN IN
is disabled.
Compressor In (CMP IN)
The CMP IN button enables the compressor/limiter module. The module is en-
abled when the CMP IN LED is illuminated. This button has no effect when
DYN IN is disabled.
The Expansion Meter uses green LED's (left column) to display the
amount of downward expansion occurring in the expander/gate
module. Higher values indicate more gain reduction.
The Compression Meter uses amber LED's (right column) to display
the amount of gain attenuation occurring in the compressor/limiter
module. Higher values indicate more dynamics compression.