
UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual - 59 - Chapter 4: API Vision Console Channel Strip
The 235L Gate/Expander module operates in either gate
or expansion mode. Two attack speeds and a continu-
ously variable release time are available in both modes.
235L Threshold
Threshold defines the input level at which expansion or
gating occurs. The available range is from +25 dB to -45
dB. The default value is 0 dB.
Signals below the threshold level are processed by the
module. Signals above the threshold are unaffected. Ro-
tate this control clockwise to increase the gate/expand
235L Depth
Depth controls the difference in gain between the gated/expanded and non-
gated/expanded signal. Higher values increase the attenuation of signals be-
low the threshold. When set to zero, no gating or expansion occurs. The
available range is 0 dB to -80 dB. The default value is -80dB.
Scaled Control
Although the Depth control has a full range of -80 dB, the scale is expanded
in the first half of rotation so 0 to -9 dB is available for fine tuning of subtle,
undetectable gating. The second half of rotation is from -10 to -80 dB for more
drastic noise reduction.
235L Attack
This two-position switch determines how quickly the onset of gating/ex-
pansion occurs when the signal exceeds the threshold. Normal (25 mil-
liseconds) and Fast (100 microseconds) settings are available. The de-
fault setting is Normal.
235L Release/Hold Knob
The function of Release/Hold knob (R/H) depends on the setting of the Re-
lease/Hold switch (Rel/Hld). With both switch settings, the available range of
the knob is 50 milliseconds to 3 seconds. The default value is 0.5 seconds.
Note: Hold mode is only available when the 235L module is set to Gate
mode with the Gate/Expander switch.