Instruction Manual

Table Of Contents
UAD System Manual - 111 - Chapter 11: UAD-2 Satellite
FireWire Bandwidth vs. UAD DSP
The amount of FireWire bandwidth used by UAD-2 Satellite depends on the
number (the quantity) of UAD plug-ins that are loaded on the device; the
amount of DSP used by a UAD plug-in (the quality) does not affect FireWire
bandwidth at all.
In other words, each UAD-2 Satellite plug-in instance uses a fixed amount of
FireWire bandwidth, regardless of how much DSP a given UAD plug-in uses.
It is the audio data stream to and from a UAD plug-in that uses the FireWire
bandwidth. The amount of digital signal processing occurring on the UAD de-
vice itself is unrelated to the FireWire traffic in and out of the device.
Therefore, with UAD-2 Satellite it is possible to run out of available FireWire
bandwidth before running out of available UAD DSP. For example, running
ten lightweight plug-ins such as UAD EX-1 on UAD-2 Satellite will use the
same FireWire bandwidth as running ten DSP-intensive plug-ins such as UAD
Moog Multi-Mode Filter. However, the EX-1s will use a fraction of the UAD
DSP that UAD Moog Filter would require for the same instance count.
See “DSP Loading Information” on page 79 for additional notes.
Important: FireWire bandwidth is unrelated to UAD DSP loads.
Figure 37. The UAD FireWire panel (control descriptions are in Chapter 6)