Instruction Manual

Table Of Contents
UAD System Manual - 37 - Chapter 4:
Note: UAD devices must be authorized to run bundled (included) plug-ins.
See “Authorization Overview” on page 37 for details.
Coupons Coupons included in UAD retail packages have dollar values that are as
“good as cash” for buying UAD plug-ins at Coupons are ap-
plied to your account automatically when you register your
device by clicking the Authorize Plug-ins button. After registration, the coupon
dollar amount is in your account as a credit, ready to be applied to your store
Coupons expire after a limited time period, and they can be used only once.
Tip: Coupons are a great reason to subscribe to promotional announce-
ments. Email subscription preferences are specified on your “My Profile”
page at (see “My Profile” on page 42).
Plug-Ins are
already installed
The UAD software installer always installs the complete suite of available
UAD plug-ins to the hard drive during installation. Therefore when you pur-
chase an optional license, you don’t download that individual plug-in. In-
stead, you download a newer authorization file, which activates the plug-in
file that is already installed.
Important: Older versions of the UAD software may not include all the lat-
est UAD plug-ins. To ensure all UAD plug-ins are installed, and for optimum
performance, we recommend updating to the latest UAD version. See “Check
for Updates” on page 52.
Authorization Overview
All UAD plug-ins must be authorized before they can be used. Authorization
is accomplished by clicking the Authorize Plug-ins button in the UAD Meter &
Control Panel, then loading the downloaded authorization file. For instruc-
tions, see “Authorize Plug-Ins Procedure” on page 23.
Video Help Our support website contains many helpful videos that explain how to register
and authorize the product, obtain optional plug-ins, and more:
Procedure This section is a detailed overview of the entire UAD authorization system. For
the step-by-step authorization instructions, see “Authorize Plug-Ins Procedure”
on page 23 in Chapter 2, “UAD Installation.”