Hardware manual

Apollo Twin Hardware Manual Chapter 1: Introduction 7
Operational Overview
Audio Interface
First and foremost, Apollo Twin is a premium 2x6 Thunderbolt audio interface with
world-class 24-bit/192 kHz audio conversion. Apollo Twin connects to the outputs and
inputs of other audio gear, and performs analog-to-digital (A/D) and digital-to-analog
(D/A) audio conversions on the gear’s signals. The digital audio signals are routed into
and out of the host computer via the high-speed PCIe protocol, which is carried on a
single Thunderbolt cable.
Apollo Twin leverages Universal Audio’s expertise in DSP acceleration, UAD Powered
Plug-Ins, and analog hardware design by integrating the latest cutting edge technologies
in high-performance A/D-D/A conversion, DSP signal reconstruction, and host connectiv-
ity. Apollo Twin acts as both an audio interface with integrated DSP effects for tracking
and monitoring as well as a fully integrated UAD-2 DSP accelerator for mixing and mas-
About Realtime UAD Processing
Apollo Twin has the ability to run UAD Powered Plug-Ins in realtime. Apollo Twin’s
groundbreaking DSP + FPGA technology enable UAD plug-ins to run with latencies in
the sub-2ms range, and multiple plug-ins can be stacked in series without additional
Realtime UAD Processing facilitates the ultimate sonic experience while monitoring and/
or tracking.
Note: Apollo Twin, like other UAD-2 devices, can only load UAD Powered Plug-Ins,
which are specifically designed to run on UAD-2 DSP accelerators. Native (host-
based) plug-ins cannot run on the UAD-2 DSP.
Console Software
The Console software application runs on the host computer and is used to control Apollo
Twin mixing and monitoring with Realtime UAD Processing, access the audio interface
I/O settings, and more. Console’s analog-style workflow is designed to provide quick ac-
cess to the most commonly needed features in a familiar, easy-to-use mixer interface.
Realtime UAD Processing is a special function that is available only within Console. All
of Apollo Twin’s analog and digital inputs can perform Realtime UAD processing simul-
taneously, and Console inputs with (or without) Realtime UAD Processing can be routed
into the DAW for recording.
Console controls Apollo Twin’s digital mixer so you can monitor Apollo Twin’s inputs (with
or without Realtime UAD Processing) without using any other audio software such as a
Console is integral to unleashing the power of Apollo Twin. For complete details about
how to use Console and Realtime UAD Processing, refer to the Apollo Software Manual.