Hardware manual

Apollo FireWire Hardware Manual Front Panel
Only the same type of inputs can be linked (Mic/Mic or Line/Line). The Hi-Z inputs cannot be linked.
(10) Preamp Options LEDs
These seven LEDs display the state of the preamp option button settings for the currently selected channel.
Each LED is illuminated when its associated option is active. When the channel selection is changed, the LED
states are updated to reflect the current settings for the selected channel.
(11) Channel 1 – 4 Select LEDs
The currently selected channel is indicated by the LEDs above input level meters 1 – 4. When a channel (or
channels, when stereo linked) is selected, its associated LED is illuminated. The currently selected channel is
incremented when the Preamp Knob (#2) is pressed.
Note: The numbers for channels 5 – 8 do not illuminate.
(12) Input Level Meters
The 10-segment LED meters display the signal peak input levels for analog channels 1 – 8 at the input to the
A/D converters. The dB values of the input meter LEDs are indicated between the meters for channels 4 and 5.
When digital clipping occurs, the red “CLIP” LED illuminates. Avoid digital clipping at the channel’s A/D
converter by reducing the channel’s input level at its source, and/or in the case of channels 1 – 4, by reducing
the preamp gain or engaging the Pad (#7) and readjusting gain as needed.