Hardware manual

Apollo FireWire Hardware Manual Front Panel
Front Panel (continued)
(13) Power Indicator (UA Logo)
The Universal Audio logo illuminates when the external power supply is properly connected to the AC outlet and
the power input on the rear of the unit, and the Power switch (#22) is in the up position.
Clock LEDs
The Internal (“INT”) and External (“EXT”) Clock LEDs indicate the source and status of the system master clock.
The clock source is specified within the Console application.
(14) Internal Clock
When Apollo is using its internal clock as the master clock source, the Internal Clock LED is solid green. When
set to external clock, this LED is not illuminated.
(15) External Clock
When Apollo is set to use an external clock as the master clock source and a valid clock signal is detected at
the specified port, the External Clock LED is solid green. Apollo can be configured to use an external clock from
the Word Clock, S/PDIF, or ADAT inputs. When set to internal clock, this LED is not illuminated.
If the External Clock LED is red, Apollo is configured to use an external clock but it cannot lock to the clock
source and/or sample rate specified in the Console application.
Important: Apollo's sample rate must be manually set (in the Console application) to match the incoming
clock's sample rate.
(16) UAD Link LED
The UAD Link LED is a system status indicator. The LED is solid green when Apollo is connected to (and properly
communicating with) the host computer system via FireWire or Thunderbolt, and off when not connected. When
blinking red/green, the UAD drivers are not properly loaded. When solid red, the LED indicates an error state.
The Apollo software must be properly installed and configured on the host computer to enable the UAD Link,
and the UAD Link must be active to use Apollo with any/all computer operations. The only time the link is not
required is when Apollo is used “standalone” without a computer.