User's Guide

10. Index
Abbreviations and terms ..... 39
Analyzer information ........... 28
Auto power-off settings ...... 26
Brightness (of screen) ......... 24
Champagne ............................ 9
spills around the sample port
........................................... 16
the analyzer ........................... 16
Configuring the analyzer ..... 24
Connectivity ............ See Wireless
Customer support ................ 38
format.................................... 26
how to set ......................... 7, 25
analyzer ................................. 42
test strips .............................. 42
Downloading strip data ......... 8
Downloading test results
......... See Test Results: exporting
warning and error list ............ 30
FCC compliance ......................
See Legal Notices
Historical results ......................
See Test Results
Intended use .......................... 2
Key features ........................... 2
Labels and symbols ............ 39
Legal notices ....................... 42
Non-Table Wines .................... 9
Ordering details ................... 38
auto power-off ...................... 26
external ................................... 4
indicators ................................ 4
on/off button .......................... 5
turning on and off ................... 6
Quality control ........................ 3
Results ............... See Test Results
Rosé ........................................ 9
Running a test
how to ................................... 12
preparing ............................... 10
warnings ............................... 10
applying to strip .................... 14
ID .......................................... 12
settings (ID on or off) ........... 27
type ................................... 9, 12
Screen brightness ............... 24
Settings ............................... 24
Software licences ............... 42
Software updates ................ 38
Sound volume ..................... 25
Strip calibration data
downloading ........................... 8