
Educational kits
Discover how to produce, store and use the clean energy
of the future! Using a process called electrolysis, water can
be converted to hydrogen which is then transformed by fuel
cells into electrical energy to power anything from vehicles
to electronic devices.
This futuristic hydrogen car science kit is an
amazing way to demonstrate the use of cutting-edge
alternative energy and automotive technologies.
• Its partly transparent body displays the inner
mechanics of the car.
• The car’s assembly instructions make it easy
and fun to build, and also provides interesting
education on real-world challenges.
This Fuel Cell Car Science Kit uses a reversible PEM fuel cell that
combines electrolysis and power conversion into one single device.
• Watch as oxygen and hydrogen gases are formed in two
transparent water containers.
• The car steers independently of the user once in operation: when
the car hits a barrier, it will automatically find its way by reversing
away 90 degrees.
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Fuel cell car science kit
H-racer 2.0
ir & hydrogen station kit
Solar hydrogen education set
Learn about wind energy and create hydrogen from water.
• Experiment with clean energy and fuel cell technology.
• Power your own inventions using a small electric motor.
• Discover with this hydro-wind kit how to store renewable wind energy using hydrogen fuel cell
technology, combining two of the world’s most advanced clean energy technologies.
• This kit includes a wind turbine, a PEM reversible fuel cell, and a water-based hydrogen storage
system encouraging users to explore the science step by step.
• The hydro-wind kit can be configured in different ways, and helps visualize the workings of clean
energy principles from start to finish.
These kits combine science, knowledge and fun for everyone
Scientists and researchers around the world have been looking to find new ways to meet our growing energy needs without further
damaging our environment or endangering our planet.
Discover with these experiment kits how to create your own renewable energy using water, wind and a fuel cell or how to store
green energy in a fuel cell.
The device
runs non-
stop for days
This kit demonstrates the latest in fuel cell technology using ethanol as its fuel
• Current fuel cells use hydrogen or methanol as fuel.
• This fuel cell kit directly converts ethanol (alcohol) to electricity silently and
without any combustion.
• The device runs non-stop for days, providing an amazing demonstration of
next-generation fuel cell technology.
• Ethanol not included.
Wind hydrogen education set
Bio-energy discovery kit