User's Manual

SEQUANS Communications Confidential and Proprietary
o Send command AT^RESET
o Power cycle by unplugging and Plugging the USB
o Power cycle by using tester power switching
3GPP TS 36.521-1 (LTE RF), 3GPP TS 36.521-3 (LTE RRM)
No Specific additional AT command and configuration are used for testing LTE RF/RRM, except the one
described in the general instruction section.
3GPP TS 36.523-1 (LTE Signaling)
Specific AT command and configuration are used for testing LTE signaling
- The auto connection mode must be disabled by using AT+ SQNAUTOCONNECT=0,1
- Take care to use a recent PICS/PIXIT files on the tester system.
- To clean forbidden PLMN (optional):
3GPP TS 36.124 (USAT)
Some dedicated configurations are required after board preparation for USAT testing:
1 - A specific operator mode: verizon-conformance by using AT+SQNCTM command.
2 - The Cid 1 must be activated as the default PDN by using AT+ IMSTESTMODE command.
Please note that the APN name supporting this Cid 1 is insignificant for the testing.
3 - The Cid 1 must be present or set in the APN provisioning list, by using AT+VZWAPNE command
4 - A specific STK APN name is required to be used to open connection for some test case, by
using AT+SQNSTKAPNE command.
Please check in Appendix E, the default APN to use per test case.
5 Some USAT conformance tester (Like Comprion+R&S) use only IPV4 configuration. Please check for
Anritsu +7 layer solution.
Replace “IPby IPv4v6 in your configuration setting if required.
The following AT command setting must be applied for configuration, before to start the testing:
- AT+SQNCTM=” verizon -conformance
o Wait reboot completed
o Wait reboot completed
o Please make sure to revert to correct one, before to start a new test case.
All the above settings are persistent after reboot.
You can check if the configuration is as expected with following commands: