
Section 3
Printer Driver Controls
This section describes the use of each of the features of the printer driver. The printer driver controls are
similar between the Windows 95/98/ME and the Windows 2000/XP operating systems. THE WINDOWS
DRIVER AND WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND ITS USE. If you are upgrading an older laser system with a
computer running the Windows 2000/XP operating system, PLEASE CONTACT TECHNICAL
SUPPORT BEFORE UPGRADING as there may be compatibility issues that need to be addressed.
Definitions and Terminology
Vector Graphic: An image generated from mathematical descriptions that determine the position,
length, and direction in which lines are drawn. Vector graphics are composed of fills and/or outlines.
Fill: A color, bitmap, fountain, or pattern applied to the interior area of a vector graphic.
Outline: The line that defines the shape of a vector graphic.
Bitmap: An image composed of grids of pixels or dots.
Motion System: The mechanical/electrical system that delivers the laser beam by moving the
focusing lens directly above the application material.
Laser Beam Delivery Method (Mode): Three distinct ways the laser system can deliver the laser
beam to the application material called raster engraving, vector marking, and vector cutting.
Raster: The process where the laser beam makes a series of bi-directional,
horizontal scan lines to produce an image. Fills and Bitmaps are automatically
raster engraved by the laser system.
Vector: The process where the laser beam follows the path of the outline (if
present) of the graphic.
Marking: Setting the laser power low enough to only penetrate the surface
of the material.
Cutting: Setting the laser power high enough to cut all the way through
the material (if the material can be cut).
NOTE: When adjusting the printer driver settings, it is highly recommended that you practice
engraving or cutting on a scrap portion of that material in case the settings need to be re-adjusted
to obtain the desired results.