
Section 3-2
Laser Settings Tab
Pen Mode
The driver uses the word “PEN” because the laser system works similar to the operation of a pen plotter
output device. A pen plotter physically selects a colored pen that matches the same colored objects in
your graphic, called “color mapping”, and draws the graphic, on paper, in that color. The laser system,
however, applies a Mode, % Power, % Speed, PPI, and Gas Assist (computer controlled air assist
models only) setting to the individually colored objects in your graphic. Up to eight (8) sets of user-
adjustable parameters, which control laser beam delivery to your application material, can be “mapped” to
the respectively colored filled or outlined objects in your graphic.
NOTE: Black and white, grayscale, and color bitmaps are all mapped to the black color’s settings.
Clicking the square button toggles through the following laser beam delivery modes for the each of the
eight respective pen colors.
RAST/VECT (default) rasters fills and vector marks or cuts proper outlines.
RAST rasters all fills AND outlines regardless of outline thickness.
VECT only vector marks or cuts proper outlines. It will skip all fills and will skip all outlines with
line weights thicker than a hairline.
SKIP ignores all fills and outlines.
Color, Power, Speed, and PPI
To change the % Power, % Speed, and/or PPI of a color, position the mouse arrow on the color name
and click once. This will highlight the color’s parameters and will allow the changing of the settings by
using the scroll bars or by typing in each setting in the appropriate control box. It is possible to click on
more than one color to set them to the same setting at the same time. IN the Windows 95/98/ME driver,
PPI is not adjustable unless the Use Default PPI (500) is NOT selected.
% Power
Available settings are from 0 to 100%. This setting is directly related to how deep the engraving will
be. The higher the setting, the deeper it engraves, marks, or cuts, and vice-versa.
% Speed
Available settings are from 0 to 100%. This setting determines the maximum rate of travel of the
motion system. Actual engraving time (throughput) is not only dependent on the % Speed setting, but
is also dependent on the size and the placement of the graphic in the engraving field. The motion
system will accelerate/decelerate as fast as it can up to the chosen speed. If the motion system
cannot achieve the chosen speed based on the size of the graphic or graphical placement in the field
it will automatically adjust its speed internally to the maximum speed it can achieve. This is evident
when you see the motion system automatically slow down while cutting curves or circles as opposed
to straight lines. Automatic proportional pulsing (see PPI) of the laser beam will ensure that there is
no difference in the depth of cut from straight lines to curves. Remember that depending on the
graphic and your chosen settings, increasing or decreasing the speed setting will not necessarily
process the file faster or slower, respectively. We will discuss how to optimize the throughput of the
system later in this manual.
% Power and % Speed work together in determining how deep the engraving or cutting will be.
Higher power and slower speeds produce deeper results. Lower power and higher speeds produce
shallower results.
100% raster speed is different than 100% vector speed. Due to the inertia of the X-axis
arm, movements in the Y-direction, and also depending on which model you have, vector
speeds will range from one-third to one-half the maximum raster speed.