
Section 3-7
Engrave the calibration scale, onto your material, using the nominal power setting you
established earlier. Compare it to the actual calibration scale that you see on screen or in this
manual. If the response of your material to the laser beam was perfectly linear, then the result
should look exactly like the calibration scale. Most likely you will find that several rectangles
appear to have the same appearance of shading. The objective would be to engrave the
calibration scale and produce a result that would appear as if each rectangle would have its own
distinguishable level of gray, starting from white all the way to black. To help you achieve those
results, the printer driver gives you the ability to calibrate the power level of each one of the
rectangles. To access the feature, click on the “Configure” button.
Configure Button
When you click this button, the ULS 3D Power Calibration screen will appear. Notice that there
are 16 slider bars representing the 16 shades of gray of the calibration scale. The 00 and the 15
are not adjustable as they represent white and black. The 14 other ones can be adjusted. The
objective is to go back and forth between adjusting the corresponding slider bars and re-
engraving the calibration scale until you can duplicate the appearance of the calibration scale as
best as you can. As you are progressing MAKE SURE YOU KEEP SAVING YOUR SETTINGS
IN AN LAS FILE just in case your computer crashes, etc. This is a lengthy procedure so you do
not want to have to do it twice.
Once you have duplicated the Calibration Scale onto your material, calibration is now complete.
You only need to do this calibration one time for each material you intend on using to produce
NOTE: If you are using a type of material that becomes lighter when you engrave, such as
black marble, you will need to invert the photograph first (make a negative image), in your
photo editing software, otherwise when you engrave the image, it will appear like a
negative image.
APPLY Button
Click this button to enable the settings that you just set.
CLOSE Button
This closes the 3D Power Calibration settings window and cancels any changes you made to
the scale if you didn’t click the APPLY button.
Applies the factory default settings to the 3D Power Calibration settings
Rubber Stamp
This mode causes a “shouldering” effect when raster
engraving rubber stamp material or any other material that
requires a “shouldered” engraving. The effect looks as if
the laser beam engraved the material on an angle, but in
actuality it is the precise control of laser power that creates
this appearance. This is a “raster only” feature that only
works with black colored graphics and uses the power
setting of the black color in the printer driver. Vectors are
processed normally and can be used for vector engraving
or cutting by assigning any of the seven other printer driver
colors to the outline desired.
To obtain a “raised” engraving such as a rubber stamp,
simply create a “negative” graphic so that the background
is black and the text or graphic objects are white. This way, the background engraves and the text or
objects remain untouched, producing a “pyramid” effect.
This image... ...turns into this
image by the driver...
...and the engraved
image looks like this.
This image... ...turns into this
image by the driver...
...and the engraved
image looks like this.