
Section 3-11
Print Direction
Your choices are Down or Up. The default direction is Down which begins engraving at the top of the
field and finishes at the bottom. On some materials you may get better results by starting at the bottom
and engraving towards the top of the field (Up). This is because the engraving smoke is being drawn
towards the top of the field. On some materials engraving Down causes the smoke or debris from the
engraving to be deposited onto the previously engraved surface, possibly damaging the engraved area.
Experiment with the different directions using different materials and choose the best method for your
NOTE: The Up direction is especially useful when engraving rubber stamps and utilizing the Back Sweep
Air Assist option.
Image Enhancement
These controls allow the user to “fine tune” the image which will enable the laser system to produce the
highest quality, highest detailed images at high or low speeds. Image Enhancement may be used at any
engraving speed and with any application material.
The following procedure may appear lengthy, but when you actually learn how to use the controls,
establishing the correct parameters is easy and quick. Once you have established those parameters you
can “SAVE” them in the ULS printer driver as .LAS settings and recall them when needed. Many users
choose to name these saved setting according to the application material’s name. Before stepping you
through the procedure we must first define the parameters.
NOTE: The Image Enhancement settings are designed to work with the BLACK pen color in the
printer driver. However, the other 7 pen colors of the printer driver will use the same Image
Enhancement settings. Keep in mind that those settings will have a different resulting effect on if
the other colors %power, %speed, and PPI are different than the black pen color’s setting.
CONTRAST: Adjusts the difference between the unengraved and engraved areas in the high density part
of the graphic or where there is the most concentration of graphic pixels (in between the dotted lines) as
the following diagram illustrates:
Universal Laser Systems, Inc.
Within this effective area, using too little CONTRAST may cause some parts of the letters to appear thin,
faint, fuzzy, or even non-existent. Having too much CONTRAST will cause the effective area to appear
thick, bold, or over powered.
Adjusts the difference between low density and the high density part of the graphic. The
low density part of the graphic can be considered such as the ascenders and decenders of text, or single
pixels that may be horizontally spaced far from other pixels, or the start of the graphic in the direction of
the raster stroke. Refer to the following diagram:
Universal Laser Systems, Inc.
Setting this parameter too low may cause the effective part of the graphic to appear thin, faint, fuzzy, or
non-existent. Too high of a parameter will cause these objects to appear thicker, bolder, or more powered
than the high density areas of the graphic.