
Section 3-20
Engrave these different power settings and note the LOWEST setting that cleanly engraves the material.
To narrow down the precise setting further, take this setting, apply it to the middle rectangle, and subtract
2% going up and 2% going down for each rectangle. For example, let’s say that we think the best setting
was 20%. Take the 20% setting, apply it to the middle, and the other settings should appear as shown.
Run the test again and choose the LOWEST power setting that cleanly engraves the material. This is the
power setting we will use as the correct power setting for the material while processing it at the speed and
quality setting chosen. Let’s say that we feel that 18% power, 100% speed and quality setting 5 is the
choice we are going with. Go ahead and makes sure that you set this setting to the black color of the
Step 2: Create a highly detailed image to set enhancement levels. We like to use a 10-point, Times New
Roman font and create some random characters that have decenders and ascenders such as the
Engrave this sample using the settings we determined, and note the results. Pay attention to the
decenders and ascenders of characters such as a “y” or a “b”. If the ascenders and decenders appear
normal, then no enhancements are necessary so you can stop testing and exit the procedure. If the
appear faint, thin, or do not appear at all, enhancements are necessary. Proceed to the next step.
Step 3: Click on Enable and set the Low Density and High Density levels to the same as the power
setting we chose (18% in this example). Run Step 2 again and observe the decenders and ascenders
again. If they are still faint, increase the Low Density value by 5% and try again. Keep trying until the
ascenders and decenders appear normal. If the center parts of the characters are faint, such as the
vertically centered part of a “2” or the vertically centered part of a “/”, then the High Density value should
be increased. Increase the High Density by 5% also, and try again. Keep adjusting both settings until
you balance out the ascenders and decenders, and the vertically centered part of the letters until they are
equalized. Once you have found the correct setting, make sure that you save it. Now run your regular
sample and note the difference. If you set enhancements correctly, your image should be sharper and
have more detail. It takes some practice to get the settings just right.
NOTE: Image Enhancement will cause files to take longer to print. Since most materials do not require
the use of Image Enhancement, use this feature only as needed. Also, Image Enhancement and 3D
Effects cannot be selected at the same time. The printer driver will automatically notify you if you attempt
to do so.
Use 1 Laser (SuperSpeed – 600 and SuperSpeed – 660 models only)
Enables only the top laser and disables the bottom laser from emitting a beam during raster
engraving. This way you could obtain the correct material settings by using the lower power of a
single laser as opposed to the combined power of two lasers. This option only works for raster
engraving and will automatically turn on the bottom laser when vector cutting. Using the Dual Beam
mode will automatically disable “Use 1 Laser” when engraving in case you accidentally leave it on.