User Manual

Table Of Contents
52 Common Issues
4.1 Common Issues
Why can't I connect to the CPE to perform web configuration?
Check if the device is properly connected to the power adapter.
2. Ensure the PC IP address is in the same network segment as the device
address. For example, the PC IP address is 192.168.0.x while the default
device's IP address is
3. Restore the factory default settings and re-log onto the CPE's web-based
configuration page.
How do I reset my password if I've forgotten it?
Call the Internet service provider (ISP).
How do I restore my CPE to the factory default settings?
Launch an Internet browser and access the CPE configuration webpage at
the default address:
2. Go to Tools´ Reset to Default and follow the on screen prompts.
How can I find out the CPE's MAC address?
Launch an Internet browser and access the CPE configuration webpage at
the default address:
2. The MAC address is displayed under Status´ LAN on the status page.
How do I set up an IP Address for my PC with Windows XP/2000 installed?
1. The CPE is set to DHCP server enabled by default.
2. Ensure that the target PC is set to obtain an IP address automatically by
going to Start´ Control Panel´ Network Connections´
Local Area Connection´ Properties´ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)´
Properties and select Obtain an IP address automatically,
NOTE: If the CPE DHCP function is enabled and a DHCP server is
already present on the LAN, either disable the DHCP function on the
CPE or DHCP server, or ensure that the available IP Pools do not over-
lap. If both the CPE and the existing DHCP server are active, both
devices may fail to provide services to the network.
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