
Cleaning Procedure: Warning: Disconnect electrical power before washing
Required materials:
o Clean cloths
o Mild detergent
o Sanitizer
o Remove any remnants of dry dough left in the bowl (If using an egg mixture clean and
sanitize the mixer immediately after use)
o Now take a clean cloth and warm water with the detergent in it and clean the inside of
the bowl. (do not forget to clean under the blade and behind the spiral)
o Once the bowl is cleaned take another clean cloth and with just warm water rinse the
inside of the bowl. (avoid excess amounts of water in the bowl)
o Now take a dry clean cloth and remove all excess water and dry the machine.
o Sanitize the bowl, spiral, and blade.
Do not use running water or a hose/jet to clean the machine as it is not made for this and will
void the warranty.
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