Operation Manual

1st level
(X / Z1)
2nd level
(X / Z2)
Full Individual Sequential
Auto Full Transaction 1 2 o
Full Transaction (X position only) 3 4 o
Hourly 5 6 o
Grand Total 1 --- 7 o
Cash In Drawer 8 --- o
Clerk 10 11 o o
Specified 20 PLU/Group-A Sales per Clerk --- 12 o o
Specified 1000 PLU Sales per Clerk --- 13 o o
Time & Attendance 19 --- o o
Main Group-A 20 21 o
Group-A per Main Group-A 22 23 o o
Group-A 25 26 o o
Group-A Stock --- 27 o
Group-B 30 31 o o
PLU 40 41 o o o
PLU Stock --- 42 o o o
Non-Active PLU (X position only) 43 44 o
Menu 1 PLU (X position only) 50 51 o
Menu 2 PLU (X position only) 52 53 o
Menu 3 PLU (X position only) 54 55 o
Group-A PLU 56 57 o o
Group-B PLU 58 59 o o
Item Track Total (X position only) 60 --- o o o
Item Track (Z report printed if programmed) 62 --- o o
Clerk Item Track (X position only) 64 --- o o
Amount Track Total (X position only) 65 --- o o o
Amount Track (Z report printed if programmed) 66 --- o o
Clerk Balance 70 --- o o
Customer File (files are erased by Z report) 74 --- o o
Customer Bill 78 --- o o
ESF Status (See note below.) 79 --- o
Note: ESF status report issued only when ESF function is selected. If programmed, the ESF data is printed with the ESF
status also.
Set the control key to X position for all program dumps except for the clerk dump.
Full Individual Sequential
Full Program 80 o
Main Group-A 81 o
Group-A 82 o
Group-B 83 o
Key Layout 84 o
Function (refer to next page for individual report) 85 o o
Key & Symbol Name 86 o
Tax 87 o
PLU 88 o o
Clerk (Z2 position) 89 o
Menu Layout 90 o
Hard Clerk Key 94 o
Clerk PLU / Group-A Assignment 95 o
Communication Setting 99 o