Installation and Operation Manual

Room bypass (requires communication
The system can use up to two rooms (per room controller), when in
heating mode, as bypass to maintain minimum flow in the system.
Rooms can be selected manually or by using the Time limit room
bypass function.
Time limit room bypass
The time limit room bypass function prevents shorter run times than
30 minutes in the system. It does this by analyzing system data (if a
room is close to a demand, setpoints, room temperatures etc) and
chooses suitable rooms to use as bypass.
System clock
To facilitate accurate log data, scheduling and different timer settings,
the room controller receives the correct time and date from one of the
input devices (communication module connected to
Uponor cloud
services, programmable thermostat etc). The clock can be set to
automatically switch between summer and winter time
(communication module connected to Uponor cloud services only).
Uponor Smatrix Wave PULSE
Installation and operation manual