Installation and Operation Manual

13 Maintenance
13.1 Manual preventive
Do not use any detergents to clean the Uponor Smatrix
The Uponor Smatrix room controller requires no preventive
maintenance except cleaning:
1. Use a dry soft cloth to clean the components.
13.2 Automatic preventive
The Uponor Smatrix room controller is equipped with an automatic
exercise function. This function consists of a test run designed to
prevent the pump and actuators from seizing up due to inactivity.
This exercise is run every 6 days ±24 hours at random:
The pump exercise is only run if the pump has not been run
since the last exercise. During the exercise the pump is
activated for 3 minutes.
The actuator exercise is only run if the actuators have not been
operated since the last exercise. The exercise periodically opens
and closes the actuators.
If the system includes a communication module, the exercise function
can be activated at any time using the Uponor Smatrix PULSE app.
13.3 Corrective maintenance
Fallback mode
If a thermostat is malfunctioning or not detected, the room controller
executes the fallback mode to maintain the temperature in the room
(heating mode only) until the problem is resolved.
Resetting the room controller
If the room controller does not work as expected, for example due to
a hang-up, it can be reset to solve the problem:
Disconnect and reconnect the room controller to AC power.
Uponor Smatrix Wave PULSE
Installation and operation manual