User Manual

If you are experiencing problems with your phone, please check the
chart below before calling for assistance. If you cannot solve the prob-
lem after consulting this chart, contact your local dealer.
Problem Cause
The power does not come on.
Is the battery fully charged? ( p. 4)
Are you pressing the key for long
You cannot make a call. Is the phone number correct?
(Have you included the area code
in the number?)
Have you moved outside the ser-
vice area?
Is the phone locked?
Is there a pause in the phone
You can make calls, but hear an This can occur if you are outside
announcement that you cannot your registered area.
make calls because you are Turn the phone off then on again
outside the service area. and try again.
Calls are cut-off, or noise Move to a different location and try
interference is heard. again.
You cannot charge the phone. Is the AC adapter jack correctly in-
serted into the phone? (
p. 2)
Has the power cord been discon-
nected from the power supply?
Is the battery mark blinking?
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