User's Manual

Chapter 9 CLI Command Set 181
no wds peer mac <mac-address> [<mac-address> <mac-
address> <mac-address> <mac-address> <mac-address>]
Access level: 2
Explanation: Use this command to set toward AP MAC
address on this card.
WEP Encryption Enable / Disable
Use this command to enable WEP encryption.
Syntax: wep encryption <enable|disable>
Default value: disable
Access level: 2
WEP Encryption Key
Use this command to set the first WEP key.
Syntax wep encryption key key1 <string> key2 <string>
key3<string> key4<string>
no wep encryption key [key1] [key2] [key3] [key3]
Possible value: string length: 26
Access level: 2