
Check our Vamp Verza compatiblity page for the current lineup of compatible phones/devices.
Can I use the Bass Enhance Mode on all devices connected to the VERZA?
No, you can only use the Bass Enhance Mode on iAmp mode (the first toggle switch) with Apple
iDevices (iPhone, iPod, iPad, etc). Bass Enhance Mode will not work while in USB-DAC mode and
connected with Android and PC/Mac devices.
Can I charge my Android device while plugged in and listening to music through the VERZA?
No, if you have your Android deviced plugged into the VERZA (via micro-USB to micro-USB) for
audio playback, the VERZA will not charge your device. This is due to limitations of the USB
connection. If you want to charge your Android device using the VERZA, plug your device into the
VERZA using the micro-USB to USB cable (please note you cannot use the VERZA for audio
playback with your device while doing this).
Do I need to remove the rubber "bumper" off the VERZA before installing the VERZADOCK?
No, in fact we recommend you keep the rubber bumpers on the VERZA, even when installing the
VERZADOCK. This will especially help with the METALLO iPhone 5 case, which may slightly bump
into the volume knob when connected to the VERZA without the bumpers installed.
How do I charge my Vamp Verza?
Connect your VERZA to a PC/Mac/USB Charger using the micro-USB to USB cable, and have
toggle switch 1 on the USB-DAC position, and toggle switch 2 on the Vamp position.
If I've installed the VERZADOCK and METALLO case onto my VERZA, can I still use my device's
rear camera?
Yes you can. To use your rear camera, just slightly slide up the METALLO case (see picture) and
then slide down when finished.
Can I custom engrave my Vamp Verza?
Yes you can. Upon ordering, just select "Yes" under Your Design, and upload your appropriate file.
For more information, see the Custom Engraving FAQ section of this page.
What does #IIID mean?
IIID is "3D" written in Roman numerals to highlight the future of manufacturing and inspiration of past
Italian Renaissance artistry required for the sculpting of your shields by the V-MODA Milano Studio.
When buying a 3D custom shield kit (either Over-Ear and/or On-Ear), how many shields do I get?
Each custom shield kit comes with two shields of the color/material you selected.
Why does the shipping time of 3D shields take so long?
3D sculpting, printing, and finishing is a complex process that requires traditional handcraftsmanship
and 11+ steps. After you submit your logo/design with monograms, our Italian sculptors are tasked
with sculpting a 3D model,which will then be printed in New York City.
Furthermore, the material you choose also changes the lead time because the printing processes
are different.
Fiber is made through selective laser sintering (SLS) using a bed of powder to form the
shield layer by layer, it is then dyed in the color of your choice
Steel is made depositing steel powder in thin layers, combined with a binding material and
built one layer at a time. The binder is then infused with bronze and heated to form the final
steel shield