
What file types do you accept for uploading custom artwork?
We accept the following types of files for your custom artwork: .JPG, .PNG, .GIF, .BMP, .TIFF, .PSD,
.PDF, .AI, .EPS, .SVG, .DOC(X), .CDR, .STL, .OBJ.
What logos or 3D files will be rejected?
Anything deemed explicit or inappropriate may be rejected at V-MODA's discretion.
I do not know how to use 3D modeling software, Photoshop or Illustrator. Can I just upload a normal
.JPG image?
Yes, we do not require that you upload your artwork in a proper 3D file format, Photoshop or
Illustrator format. You are free to upload a normal image file (JPG, PNG, GIF, etc) and our studio
can convert it to the proper formats.
I am designing and uploading my artwork in Photoshop format (.PSD), do you have any
Please remember to "rasterize" any text/fonts you may have (right click on text layer and select
"rasterize"), in case our computers do not have the same font files you are using.
I am designing and uploading my artwork in Illustrator (.AI) format, do you have any requirements?
Please remember to "outline" any text/fonts you may have, in case our computers do not have the
same font files you are using. Please be sure to also embed (NOT link) any external images you
may have in your file, and lastly when saving your .AI file, it is recommended you check the box that
reads "Make PDF Compatible Version" for compatibility issues between our software and computers.
Do you have any size requirements for an image I submit? Any DPI requirements?
The bigger the better. While we do not have any required size, it is recommended that, for best 3D
printing results, you submit an image that is at least 300 dpi and 1,000px wide or tall. Anything
smaller may not be 3Dprinted very well.
I have an image I want to use for 3D printing, do I need to vectorize it first?
No, it is not necessary to vectorize your image if you cannot (or do not know how). Our customs
department will be able to vectorize it in Illustrator themselves before 3D printing.
Can I get an image 3D printed in color or black?
3D printed shields are different from laser engraved shields. On 3D printed shields, the artwork is
sculpted in the same material and color as the rest of the shields.
This is not true for our aluminum shields, which are not 3D printed but laser-engraved. Our
engraving machine only engraves in white (so any image/logo you submit will be engraved as white
on the shield color you select). For questions on 2D laser-engraved customs, please refer to the
Can my design extend all the way towards the edge of the shields?
Because of the engineering validation, the 3D design and printing process has some limitations on
how far toward the edge of the shield that we can 3D print. Your logo will be applied in the center of
the shields, and the shield has a maximum volume of 5.7 cubic centimeters (2.9 cubic centimeters
for On-Ear).
Can I send my design using the Illustrator/Photoshop template available at
Yes, you can send your artwork using our Illustrator/Photoshop template.
Can I get a different design on each shield?
Not at this time unfortunately. Our API is programmed to send orders of 2 shields with the same