
Inspirations / 46 Inspirations / 47
1 Select Hot Air on the Combi-Steam or Combair. Set
the temperature to 200°C. Allow to pre-heat. Place the
walnuts onto a black enamel oven tray. Add the tray to
the oven. Set the duration to 4 minutes. Remove from
the oven and place nuts into a dish to cool.
2 Place the water, sugar and ½ tsp salt flakes into a
small saucepan and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and
stir until sugar and salt dissolves to form a syrup
3 Place the syrup and beetroot, butter, ½ tsp salt flakes,
dill and lemon peel into a vacuum bag. Use the
Vacuum Drawer to seal the bag on the Level 2 setting.
4 Place the vacuum bag onto a stainless steel, perforated
oven tray.
Be Inspired:
Candied Beetroot Salad
4 medium beetroot (peeled and cut into 2 cm pieces)
50ml water
100g caster sugar
salt flakes
1 tbs butter
2 stalks fresh dill
1 strip of lemon peel
80g walnuts
200g soft goats cheese
120g baby rocket leaves
seeds from ½ pomegranate
2 ½ tbs red wine vinegar
1 tbs whole grain mustard
2 tbs freshly chopped chives
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
6 Add the tray to the Combi-Steam. Select Vacuisine. Set
the temperature to 92°C. Set the duration to 1 hour
and 15 minutes.
7 Combine the vinegar, mustard, chives and extra virgin
olive oil to form a dressing. Season with a pinch of salt.
8 Remove the beetroot pieces from the bags and discard
any flavourings, juice or syrup.
9 To serve, place the rocket leaves in a large serving
bowl. Add around 1 tbs of the dressing and toss to
just coat. Add the beetroot pieces and walnuts on top
of the rocket. Crumble over the goat cheese. Top with
the pomegranate and drizzle with extra dressing as