Owner manual

effects of the tape recorder. To record, select the record enable position ("TAPE ON")
of the TAPE MONITOR switch. If you wish to monitor the output from the recorder's
monitor head (if so equipped) select the monitor position ("MON"). It is
recommended that this switch not be cycled during important recordings.
6.Tube compliment is:
V112AX7A/E83CCphono input amplifying triode - LOW NOISE
V212AX7A/E83CCphono input amplifying triode - LOW NOISE
V312AX7A/E83CCphono amplifying triode
V412AX7A/E83CCphono impedance translator triode
V512AX7A/E83CCphono impedance translator triode
V612AU7A/E82CCline amplifying triode
V712AX7A/E83CCline impedance translator triode
7.XLR balanced outputs (optional) follow the EIA standard convention, where the
positive phase signal is carried on pin 2 and the inverted phase is carried on pin 3.
Many manufacturers fail to follow the standard.
8.Some systems will sound different depending on the polarity of the AC line cords.
Many audiophiles experiment with the relative cord polarity of their components. In
general, incorrect relative power polarity will result in a somewhat thin and wispy
sound. We recommend that you consult your dealer for suggestions.
Tube Types
Golden Dragon tubes are generally recommended and have been used extensively during the
development of this amplifier. Please feel free to contact VAC if you require additional
information or advice.
About Microphony
Every amplifying device, be it tube or transistor, produces some output with mechanical
stimulation (microphony). In fact, even cables possess microphony. In the Vintage
Preamplifier, V1, V2, V3, and V6 will emit a sound through the speakers if directly struck.
This is a normal situation. The exact amount of sound depends on the tube type, its location
in the circuit, and slight random variations in tube manufacture. When the chassis itself is
struck sharply there may be either no sound or a slight sound emitted from the speaker, but it
should die away rapidly. Again, this is normal and not representative of the type of