
AutoTrak 2.0 Camera Tracking System
AutoTrak 2.0 Camera Tracking System - Document Number 342-0382 Rev. B Page 33 of 52
Control Parameter Descriptions: Definitions of the terminology used in the AutoTrak 2.0 Software
This is the minimum IR brightness level indicating the IR lanyard is present in the
video frame. The actual value is calculated from the video capture data received
from the camera. Default = 180 Range 1-255
This is the maximum number of light points to accept the current frame as containing
the lanyard. This value could be lowered to restrict false lanyard readings. When a
value is read higher then this value, it is ignored, and the “Find Lanyard” processing
is restarted. Default = 2000 Range 1-9999
This value is used to reduce the search pan speed based on the projected next
position. A larger value will increase the lag time when following the detected
lanyard, while lower values will increase the number of camera adjustments. This
parameter works in conjunction with the ‘Search Pan Speed parameter’. Default =
Max Blind Time
This value defines the time to wait after the detected lanyard is lost before re-starting
the lanyard search. This parameter is used to account for temporary lanyard loss
due to a block condition. Increasing the value will delay the re-start of the Find
Lanyard search. Higher values may be counter-productive where lanyard loss is due
to ‘Bright Spots’. Bright spots are non-lanyard light sources which mask out the IR
light. Default = 5 seconds.
Search Left
This value, in degrees, is the leftmost point of travel for the camera lanyard search.
Search Right
This value, in degrees, is the rightmost point of travel for the camera lanyard search.
Move Left Limit
This value, in degrees, is the leftmost point of travel for the camera to move.
Move Right
This value, in degrees, is the rightmost point of travel for the camera to move.
Search Pan
This value indicates the maximum speed for pan movement.
Search Tilt
This value, in degrees, defines the fixed Reference Tilt angle.
This value indicates the maximum find lanyard time. When this time expires, the
Reference and Tracking Cameras are returned to home. They will wait until IR is
received again to restart. Default = 60 seconds
Window Width
This value, in degrees, is the “Close Enough Zone”. When the camera movement
reaches in this window, movement stops. A smaller width will provide more accurate
centering, while a larger width will reduce the number of camera movements.
Default = 20
Zoom Position
This value, in steps, directs the zoom setting of the IR Reference Camera. A lower
number will make the camera movement appear smoother but the lanyard needs to
be large enough in the image to be recognized. The larger the number, the larger
the Lanyard but this reduces the overall capture size and will force a reduction in the
‘Search Pan Speed’ and an increase of the ‘Projection Time’ parameters to allow
enough capture data received to recognize the Lanyard.
Auto Gain
This value increases the IR Camera gain to recognize the lanyard. Default = 30,
Range 0 – 30
Pan Correction
This value, in degrees, overcorrects the Reference Camera target used to calculate
the Tracking Camera pan location when the configuration uses side by side cameras
Tilt Correction
This value, in degrees, overcorrects the Reference Camera target used to calculate
the Tracking camera tilt location. This parameter automatically adjusts the Reference
Tilt to compensate for the distance vertically between the cameras.
Tracking Zoom
This value, in steps, directs the zoom setting of the tracking camera.