Programmers User Manual

4. Control Command Format
This format is to transmit from the computer to VC-C50i.
Header Device Num Command Parameter End mark
Header : 1 byte FFh
Device Num : 2 byte 3030h~3039h (Device number in cascade connection)
Command : 2 byte (refer to 12. Details of Pedestal Control Commands
~ 14. Details of System Control Commands)
Parameter : Variable length If not specified, parameter manifests hexadecimal, transmits
its ASCII code.
End mark : 1 byte EFh
Just after power on, device number is 3030 and each device number is determined by Cascade
ON control command.
The control command (Global Command) of device number 3030 became valid to all VC-C50i
connected in Cascade ON status.
5. Answer Format
5.1 Answer Format
This answer format corresponds to the control command transmitted from the computer to
Header Device Num Error Code Status End mark
Header : 1 byte FEh
Device Num : 2 byte 3030h~3039h (Device number in cascade connection)
Error Code : 2 byte manifested error flag In hexadecimal and return it's ASCII code.
Status : Variable length If not specified, status manifests hexadecimal, transmits
its ASCII code.
End mark : 1 byte EFh
Under the condition in Cascade Connection ON, the answer corresponding to control
command of device number 3030, is returned only to the last device connected in cascade.
5.2 Error Code
Error code manifests error flag in hexadecimal and returns it’s ASCII code. If not exists error,
all bits of error flags are cleared and becomes zero.
The bit assignment of error flag.
b7(MSB) b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0(LSB)
Mode error Parameter error Command error Busy
System error
1st byte b7: Mode Error In case of wrong mode
b6: Parameter Error In case of receiving wrong parameter
b5: Command Error In case of receiving wrong command
b4: Busy In case of unable to execute by error