Programmers User Manual

13.61 Dome Mode Setting Camera Control Command Type 2
Function Sets the dome mode to the designated value.
Command 00BDh
Length 4 byte Parameter
Range 0000h~0003h (Dome mode designation)
Status None
Reference •Dome mode setting value
00h: Select cam path 0 to 9
01h: Select cam path 0 to 8
02h: Select cam path 0 to 7
03h: Select cam path 0 to 6
•Setting value of cam path 0 to 9
0: INF 1: 830cm 2: 380cm 3: 240cm 4: 230cm
5: 155cm 6: 86cm 7: 27.2cm 8 :7.3cm 9 :0.7cm
Format of Control Code
d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9
Header Device Num Command Parameter End mark
FFh 30h 3Xh 00h BDh 30h 30h p0 p1 EFh
The Dome setting value is expressed as a two-digit hexadecimal number with the
ASCII code as the status value.
Example: p0 p1
Doom mode : 01h 30h 31h
Doom mode : 03h 30h 33h
Answer Format
d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5
Header Device Num Error Code End mark
FEh 30h 3Xh e0 e1 EFh
Error Flag indicates in 2 figures hexadecimal and returns ASCII code value
Example: e0 e1
In case of No Error : 00000000B 00h 30h 30h
In case of Parameter Error : 01010000B 50h 35h 30h
In case of Mode Error : 10010000B 90h 39h 30h
Conditions for setting of error flag
Parameter Error •In case of assigned parameter illegal
Mode Error •Not in status of Camera ON
•Not in status of Host Control Mode