Programmers User Manual

14.22 Preset Status Request System Control Command Type 1
Function To return situation in use for memory for Preset position store
Command 008Bh
Parameter None
Length 2 byte Status
Value Status value (8 bits) indicating situation in use of memory.
Reference •This command return information of memory address (1 to 6). If necessary to
have 1 to 9 information, need to use 14.23 Extended Preset Status Request.
•The followings show the case of each bit 1 among of Preset Status,
b7 Memory Address 4 settled
b6 Memory Address 3 settled
b5 Memory Address 2 settled
b4 Memory Address 1 settled
b3 Not used
b2 Not used
b1 Memory Address 6 settled
b0 Memory Address 5 settled
Format of Control Code
d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5
Header Device num Command End mark
FFh 30h 3Xh 00h 8Bh EFh
Answer Format
In case of No Error
d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7
Header Device Num Error Code Status End mark
FEh 30h 3Xh 30h 30h s0 s1 EFh
Status (8bits) indicating situation of memory in use for Preset position store
indicates in hexadecimal 2 figures and returns its ASCII code as Status value.
Example: in case of use of memory address 2 and 3
s0 s1
01100000B 60h 36h 30h
In case of Error
d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5
Header Device Num Error Code End mark
FEh 30h 3Xh e0 e1 EFh
Error Flag indicates in 2 figures hexadecimal and returns ASCII code value.
Example: e0 e1
In case of Mode Error : 10010000B 90h 39h 30h
Condition of Error flag to be set
Mode Error •Not in status of Camera ON.
•Not in status of Host Control Mode