Programmers User Manual

11.3 System Control Command Table
Function Meaning Command Parameter Status Ref
Alarm Output OFF Sets the alarm output (+/- terminal) to Open. 0072h 0h None P 126
Alarm Output ON Sets the alarm output (+/- terminal) to Closed. 0072h 1h None P 127
Alarm Output Status Request Returns the alarm output setting status. 0073h None 0h or 1h P 128
External Sensor Input Detection
External sensor input detection disabled 0074h 00h None P 129
External Sensor Input Detection
External sensor input detection enabled with
notification of changes from Closed to Open
0074h 01h None P 129
External Sensor Input Detection
External sensor input detection enabled with
notification of changes from Open to Closed
0074h 10h None P 129
External Sensor Input Detection
External sensor input detection enabled with
notification of changes from Closed to Open and
notification of changes from Open to Closed
0074h 11h None P 129
External Sensor Input Detection
Status Request
Returns external sensor input detection status. 0075h None 0h or 1h P 130
External Sensor Input Detection
Setting Information Request
Returns the external sensor input detection
setting status.
0075h 0h
00h or 01h or
10h or 11h
P 131
Internal Infrared Light ON/OFF
Sets the internal infrared light ON/OFF control. 0076h 0h~6h None P 132
Internal Infrared Light Status
Returns the internal infrared light ON/OFF
setting status.
0077h None 1 byte P 133
External Light Output OFF
Sets the external light output (+/- terminal) to
0078h 0h None P 134
External Light Output ON
Sets the external light output (+/- terminal) to
0078h 1h None P 135
External Light Output Status
Returns the setting status of the external light
output terminal.
0079h None 1 byte P 136
Remote Control ON To available remote controller 0080h 0h None P 137
Remote Control OFF To inhibited remote controller 0080h 1h None P 138
Operation Status Request To return information of operate status 0086h None 3 byte P 139
Extended Operation Status Request To return extended information of operate status 0086h 0h 5 byte P 140
Operation Status 3 Request To return information of operate status 3 0086h 1h 4 byte P 142
Operation Status 4 Request To return information of operate status 4 0086h 2h 2 byte P 144
Product Name Request To return product name 0087h None
"C50i" or
P 146
ROM Version Request To return ROM version of VC-C4 0088h None "V1-01" P 147
Preset Set To memory preset position 0089h 1h~9h None P 148
Preset Move To move preset position 008Ah 1h~9h None P 149
Preset Status Request To request preset status 008Bh None 2 byte P 151
Extended Preset Status Request To request extended preset status 008Bh 0h 3 byte P 152
Remote Controller Through Setting To set ON/OFF of remote controller through 008Dh 0h~1h None P 154
LED Normal Display To set normal display of LED 008Eh 0h None P 155
LED Forced Control To set forced ON/OFF of LED 008Eh 1h~4h None P 156
Cascade OFF To release cascade connection OFF 008Fh 0h None P 157
Cascade ON To connect cascade connection ON 008Fh 1h None P 158
Host Control Mode To control by host computer 0090h 0h None P 159
Local Control Mode To control by remote controller 0090h 1h None P 160
Screen Control To set screen display of date, time, characters 0091h 00h~09h None P 161
Display Character Data Assignment To assign character data of display 0091h 1h XX,Y,DD None P 163
Display Character Data Request To request character data of display 0091h 2h XX,Y 2 byte P 165
Display Date Setting To set display date (yy/mm/dd) 0091h 3h YY,MM,DD None P 167