Owner manual

Chapter 5 __________________________________________ Software Configuration and Operation
VAISALA ______________________________________________________________________ 165
Operating Local LCD Display QMD202
The optional Local LCD display QMD202 provides views for instant
measurements and basic system information. QMD202 is located inside
the enclosure. Navigate between the views by pressing the buttons on the
QMD202 is an optional device in AWS330 configuration, and is present
as ordered.
In addition to measured values, all observation displays contain
corresponding sensor status in the rightmost column. For sensor status
values, see section Sensor Status List on page 293.
Figure 101 Meteorological Display 1
Table 46 Meteorological Display 1 Parameters
Heading Parameter Unit Statistic Period
TA Air temperature °C Average 1 min
RH Relative humidity % Average 1 min
PA Barometric pressure hPa Average 1 min
WD Wind direction Deg Average 10 min
WS Wind speed m/s Average 10 min
Figure 102 Meteorological Display 2
Table 47 Meteorological Display 2 Parameters
Heading Parameter Unit Statistic Period
PR Precipitation mm Sum 10 min
SR Solar radiation W/m2 Average 1 min