Owner manual

Chapter 6 ______________________________________________________________ Maintenance
VAISALA ______________________________________________________________________ 171
Enclosure Maintenance
Visual Checking
The enclosure requires only a minimal amount of maintenance. Every six
months, check that all screws of the mounting clamps are firmly
tightened. Check also that the door gasket is undamaged. See also that
the bottom connectors are not corroded and that they open easily. You
can apply appropriate anti-corrosive/lubricant spray if required.
After a heavy storm, open the enclosure door and check for any water
leakage or other damage.
- Check and clean the connectors from, for example, spider web.
- Check that the door is firmly closed.
- Check inside the enclosure for spider webs or other dirt.
- Check and clean the static pressure head; see location of the static
pressure head in Figure 51 on page 95.