Owner manual

User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________
194 _________________________________________________________________ M211296EN-B
Rain Gauge RG13(H) Maintenance
Periodic Maintenance
Check Rain Gauge RG13(H) once a week. In the fall, or when leaves are
falling and there is a lot of debris in circulation, it is recommended that
you check the sensor daily or, at minimum, once a week.
If the gauge is connected to the QML data logger and the data logger is
operating, avoid tipping the cup assembly to avoid erroneous
- Inspect the funnel and filter for any damage or blockage. Remove any
obstacles from the funnel, such as accumulated leaves, debris, dirt and
dust. Clean the filter by removing the end cap from the filter tube.
- Yearly, remove the filter material carefully, clean and replace the filter
and the cap.
- Once or twice a year, clean the spoon from dust and dirt once or twice
a year to ensure precise measuring. Remove and clean any dirt from
the bucket.
- Check that the gauge is still level. It is surprisingly easy for an
apparently immovable gauge to become tilted as a result of small
ground movements or vandalism.
If the rain gauge is disconnected from the logger or does not log data, it
is a good idea to check the balance arm of the bucket for stiffness. The
easiest way to do this in the field is to try to balance the bucket in its
center position; doing this should be very difficult (if not impossible). If
the bucket balances easily, examine the bucket closely for any dirt or
wear on the pivot pin and bucket tubes.