Owner manual

User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________
212 _________________________________________________________________ M211296EN-B
Resetting QML Logger
To reset the QML logger, enter the reset command (recommended), or
press the reset button indicated by number 1 in Figure 122 below.
Figure 122 Reset Button on QML Logger
A short reset (pressing the reset button quickly) performs the same reset
as giving the command and starts the program again. A long reset
(pressing the reset button and keeping it down for a few seconds) restarts
the program with a so-called blank setup. A blank setup does not run a
setup file.
A blank setup may be useful if the setup is somehow defective and does
not allow the opening of a terminal connection. When the blank setup is
run, the QML logger communication parameters are restored to their
defaults: 9600bps, 8 data, No parity, 1 stop bit.