Owner manual

Chapter 7 ___________________________________________________________ Troubleshooting
VAISALA ______________________________________________________________________ 223
Command netif
The netif command is used to control and check the status of network
interfaces. The command syntax is:
netif [open <ifname> | close <ifname>]
Parameters for the netif command are described in Table 62 below.
Table 62 Parameters for Command netif
Parameter Use
No parameters Lists current status of all configured network
open Opens the given interface
close Closes the given interface
ifname Name of interface to be opened or closed, for
example, netif0
In spite of an issued close command, the interface may still remain open
if a service is using it. Closing will always be delayed by the specified
idle time (set in configuration).
Depending on the connection used, changing the state of a network
interface may take a while. For example, with the GSM modem, the
netif open command will take time for establishing the telephone
connection plus the time for network connection negotiation. This can
easily total over one minute.
Examples of netif command output are presented below:
/> netif
Network interface states:
interface 0 (netif0) : Closed
interface 1 (eth0) : Opened
Physical network interface states:
DSE101_0 : Opened owned by 1
PhyNullModemWin_1 : Closed
/>netif open netif0
Trying to open network interface 0
interface 0 state: Opening
/> netif close netif1
Trying to close network interface 1
interface 1 state: Idle