Owner manual

User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________
58 __________________________________________________________________ M211296EN-B
5. Attach the cable bearer to the plate lug (number 5 in Figure 13 on
page 49) of the pedestal plate. Make sure that the free wire end
points toward the end of the lifting rod (see correct positioning of
the cable bearer in Figure 22 below).
6. Clip the hook of the guy wire to the plate lug of the lifting rod.
7. Take a good grasp on the handle and turn it clockwise to tighten the
wire and lift the mast slightly. The winch is equipped with a
friction break and thus, it stops automatically when you release the
8. Remove the tilting support and erect the mast.
Figure 22 Winch Installed, Arrow Points to Cable Bearer
Make sure that there are no people under the mast when the mast is
being erected.
When erecting the mast with the winch, avoid touching the wire with
bare hands. Do not try to guide the wire.
Always wear gloves when using the winch. Do not touch the gears of the