
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
64 ___________________________________________________________________ M210474EN-C
5. To confirm the adjustment, press YES. To cancel entering the
adjustment, press NO to return to the adjustment mode display
without making any changes.
Note that if the difference between the two references is less than
50 %, adjustment cannot be done.
Once confirmed, the adjustment has been carried out. Press BACK to
exit the RH adjustment mode and return to the main adjustment options.
Press EXIT to quit the adjustment mode and return to the basic MI70
LiCl NaCl Automatic Adjustment
LiCl-NaCl automatic adjustment is a two-point adjustment in reference
humidities of 11.3 % (LiCl) and 75 % (NaCl). You do not have to enter
the reference values, the MI70 displays the accurate value based on the
measured temperature and the Greenspan table stored into the memory of
the MI70.
To make the adjustment, select LiCl NaCl auto in the RH adjustment
menu and follow the steps below:
1. Set the probe to the LiCl reference humidity. You can follow the
stabilization from the GRAPH display. Press READY when the
reading is stabilized.
2. Set the probe to the NaCl reference humidity. You can follow the
stabilization from the GRAPH display. Press READY when the
reading is stabilized.
3. After the NaCl reference humidity measurement is done, MI70
checks if you want to use this 2-point adjustment. Press OK to
confirm the adjustment.
Once confirmed, the adjustment has been carried out. Press BACK to
exit the RH adjustment mode and return to the main adjustment options.
Press EXIT to quit the adjustment mode and return to the basic MI70