
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
66 ___________________________________________________________________ M210474EN-C
4. Give the higher reference temperature by using the arrow buttons
and press OK.
5. To confirm the adjustment, press YES. To cancel entering the
adjustment, press NO to return to adjustment mode display
without making any changes.
Once confirmed, the adjustment has been carried out. Press BACK to
exit the T adjustment mode and return to the main adjustment options.
Press EXIT to quit the adjustment mode and return to the basic MI70
Environment Settings
When you select RH adjustment for the first time from the adjustment
main menu, MI70 asks if you want to check the environment settings
(pressure compensation value for humidity measurement).
If you need to access the environment settings after this, exit the
adjustment mode by selecting EXIT in the main adjustment menu and
navigate to the environment menu from the MI70 main menu. To return
to the adjustment mode, press the adjustment button on the MMT310
Last Adjustment Date
To see the last adjustment date, select Last adjustment date in the main
adjustment menu. You can also view this date from the Device
information menu in the MI70 main menu.