Product Description

to play, plan for falls. People who may be
particularly susceptible to falling, or to injury
from falls, may wish to only participate in
seated VR experiences. New users may
be more likely to fall, so a spotter may be
particularly useful.
Depending on the VR experience, there are a
variety of ways that players might react that
could lead to falls. For example:
· Players may attempt to lean against or
sit upon virtual objects (such as a virtual
window sill or chair).
· Players may try to move quickly to react
to things they see in VR.
· Players may become disoriented by VR
experiences where the virtual oor
doesn’t match the real oor.
· With the Headset blocking your view
and Controllers on your hands, it may
be harder to recover your balance if you
start to fall and you may be more likely
to fall awkwardly.
Have a Spotter. It is helpful to have a
responsible person in the room to monitor
your game play. This person can help guide
you if you approach the edge of the play
area or become entangled in cords and can
direct others from entering the play area.
The spotter should be aware that the player
may move unpredictably and keep a safe
distance except when assisting the player.
The spotter should verbally alert the player
when approaching.
Route VR Cables. The Headset cable and
Connection cable (collectively “Cables”)
connect together and should run unob-
structed from the Headset to your PC.
Do not loop the Cables around objects or
route the Cables through walls. The Headset
cable will separate from the Connection
cable if pulled hard enough. This helps
reduce the risk of falls from the Cables
pulling on the Headset or being tangled on
your body. It also helps prevent your PC
from being pulled, however, it is still advis-
able to place your PC where it will not fall if
pulled. Do not tape the Cables together or
otherwise prevent them from separating. A
spotter can help you avoid tripping or being
tangled in Cables.
Use Lanyards and Tighten Controller
Adjustment Straps. Accompanying
the Controllers are two wrist lanyards
(“Lanyards”). The Lanyards and Controller
adjustment strap help prevent accidentally
dropping or throwing the Controllers,
particularly during vigorous use. Attach the
Lanyards to the Controller grips and tighten
on your wrists. Tighten the adjustment
straps to secure the Controllers on your
hands. If the Controllers do not feel secure,
tighten the straps. See the Setup Guide
accompanying your VR Kit for Controller
and adjustment instructions.
VR Discomfort. You may experience
discomfort when using virtual reality, espe-
cially as you begin using it. This may include
temporary feelings of nausea, motion sick-
ness, dizziness, disorientation, headache,
fatigue, eye strain, or dry eyes.
Adjusting to VR. Start slowly and learn how
the system reacts as you move around, and