Use and Care Manual

About This Variety: Chocolate Canna is a relatively new cultivar. What makes it so special is its
chocolate, purplish-colored foliage, contrasting to its bright, orange-yellow flowers. Truly one of its
kind and deer resistant. Limited in supply!
Growing Instructions: Where not hardy plant outdoors in early summer, couple inches deep
setting the rhizome in the hole, ‘eyes’ (shoots) up. Cannas do best with a good supply of water.
Care Tip: As flowers fade, deadhead to promote continued flowering. They like moist conditions.
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Van Zyverden, Inc. •
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Exposure: Full sun to partial shade
Height: Grows 24-36” tall
Spacing: Plant 12-18” apart, 2-4” deep
Blooms: Blooms all summer
USDA Zones: Hardy in USDA zones 8-11