User's Manual

ADCP-75-163SDR • Issue 1 • September 2004
Page 4
© 2004, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
protocol often differs from country to country. A single SDR set with an all-inclusive software
repertoire can be used in any mode, anywhere in the world. Changing the service type, the
mode, and/or the modulation protocol involves simply selecting and launching the requisite
computer program. A SDR PCIx Host Card is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. SDR PCIx Host Card
Software Defined Radio (SDR) allows a single device to adapt to different communications
environments and systems by selecting the most appropriate protocol and frequency needed for
a link. One device may work with a wireless local area network protocol in the city, and then be
reconfigured to work with terrestrial and satellite protocols to deliver broadband applications to
rural and remote areas.
SDR works much like desktop computing, where a single hardware platform carries out many
functions based on the software applications loaded. SDR uses software to perform radio-signal