User Manual

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Preinstallation Requirements
Before you begin installing the CompactRAN CDMA/GSM base stations, refer to the
following checklist:
Make sure the Vanu software is installed on the servers. This software includes
ConfigCenter. Refer to the
Vanu Software Installation Guide
Obtain a site plan from the network administrator that provides the following
- Physical installation location of each CompactRAN CDMA/GSM base
- Power source/requirements
- Network source/requirements
- Temperature ranges
- IP addresses for each CompactRAN CDMA/GSM base station
Install the following antennas at each site using the product-specific
- GPS antenna
- RX antenna
- TX antenna
For installations with a VPN:
- VPN Gateway IP address and subnet mask
- User ID and password
- IPSec PSK - PSK group and key
- IPSec Certificate - username, password CA certificate, Device certificate
Note: You can only use IPSec PSK or IPSec Certificate. You cannot use both at the
same time.