Owner`s manual

229Driving and operation
Check tyres regularly for damage
(penetrated foreign bodies, punctures,
cuts, cracks, bulges in side walls). Check
wheels for damage. If damage or unusual
wear is found, contact a workshop.
Tread depth
Check tread depth regularly.
If wear in the front is greater than that in
the rear, move the rear wheels to the front
axle and vice versa.
Correct the tyre pressure.
In vehicles with a deflation detection
system 3 or tyre pressure monitoring
system 3 initialise system, see
pages 219, 221.
For reasons of safety, tyres should be
replaced when their tread depth has worn
down to 2 to 3 mm (winter tyres: 4 mm).
The legally permissible minimum tread
depth (1.6 mm) has been reached when
the tread has worn down as far as one of
the wear indicators (TWI
). A number of
wear indicators are spaced at equal
intervals around the tyre within the tread.
Their position is indicated by markings on
the tyre sidewall.
9 Warning
Damage may lead to tyre blow-out.
TWI = Tread Wear Indicator.