Owner`s manual

237Driving and operation
Stowage of coupling ball bar
Stow the coupling ball bar in the pouch and
fasten it in the luggage compartment
cargo box with the strap.
Stow the coupling ball bar in the
compartment in the spare wheel well of the
luggage compartment, fastening it with
the strap.
Caravan/trailer towing
Caravan and trailer loads
The permissible caravan/trailer loads are
vehicle- and engine-dependent maximum
values which must not be exceeded. The
actual caravan/trailer load is the difference
between the actual gross weight of the
caravan/trailer and the actual coupling
socket load with the caravan/trailer
coupled. When the caravan/trailer load is
being checked, therefore, only the
caravan/trailer wheels – and not the jockey
wheel – must be standing on the weighing
The permissible caravan/trailer loads for
your vehicle are given in the vehicle
documents. Unless otherwise stated, they
are valid for gradients up to max. 12%.
The permissible caravan/trailer load should
be fully utilised only by drivers who are
adequately experienced in towing large or
heavy caravans/trailers.
The permitted caravan/trailer load applies
up to the specified incline and up to an
altitude of 1000 metres above sea-level.
Since engine power decreases as altitude
increases because of the air becoming
thinner, therefore reducing climbing ability,
the permitted towing weight also
decreases by 10% for every 1000 metres of
additional altitude. The towing weight
does not have to be reduced when driving
on roads with slight inclines (less than 8%,
e. g. motorways).
Observe national regulations.