Owner`s manual

300 Service, maintenance
Engine oil change, oil filter change
Have a workshop change the oil at the
specified service intervals.
We recommend that you use genuine
engine oil filters.
Diesel fuel filter
On each engine oil change, have the fuel
filter checked for any water residue by a
Illumination of A indicates water in the
fuel filter 3.
Have fuel filter checked at shorter intervals
if the vehicle is subjected to extreme
operating conditions such as high humidity
(primarily in coastal areas), extremely high
or low outside temperatures and
substantially varying daytime and
night-time temperatures.
The glycol-based coolant provides
excellent corrosion protection for the
heating and cooling systems as well as
antifreeze protection down to around
-28 °C. It remains in the cooling system
throughout the year and need not be
Use of certain antifreezes can lead to
engine damage. We therefore recommend
that you only use antifreezes that have
been approved.
9 Warning
Empty engine oil cans do not belong in
the domestic rubbish. Please comply with
the legal, environmental and health
regulations as regards the disposal of
used oil and engine oil filters.
9 Warning
Antifreeze is a danger to health; it must
therefore be kept in the original container
and out of the reach of children.