Owner`s manual

292 Maintenance, inspection system
Picture no: 17306t.tif
Engine oil
Information on engine oils is found in the
Service Booklet.
Engine oil level and consumption
Every engine consumes engine oil for
technical reasons. The engine oil
consumption cannot be assessed until a
fairly long distance has been driven, and
may be above the specified value when
the vehicle is first being driven (run-in
period). Frequent driving at high revs
increases engine oil consumption.
Picture no: 17307t.tif
The engine oil level is checked
– see page 39. Before
embarking on a long journey it is advisable
to check the engine oil level.
Picture no: 17308t.tif
Checking the engine oil level,
topping up engine oil
The illustrations on this page indicate
checks on one petrol and two diesel
The oil level must be checked with the
vehicle on a level surface and with the
engine (which must be at operating
temperature) switched off. Wait at least
5 minutes before checking the level to
allow the normal engine oil accumulation
in the engine to drain into the oil pan.
9 Warning
Do not allow the engine oil level to drop
below the minimum level!
Not on Z 14 XEP or Z 20 LEH engine.
Sales designation – see page 308.
9 Warning
It is the owner’s responsibility to maintain
the correct level of an appropriate quality
oil in the engine.