Owner`s manual

67Keys, doors, bonnet
Picture no: 17349t.tif
Electronic immobiliser
The system checks whether the vehicle
may be started with the mechanical key or
electronic key of the Open&Start system 3
that is being used. If the key is recognised
as "authorised" the vehicle can be started.
The check takes place via a transponder in
the key.
The electronic immobiliser activates itself
automatically after the key has been
removed from the ignition or, with the
Open&Start system 3, when the engine is
switched off by pressing the Start / Stop
Picture no: 17033t.tif
Control indicator for electronic
Control indicator A illuminates briefly
when the ignition is switched on.
If the control indicator flashes when the
ignition is on, there is a fault in the system;
the engine cannot be started. Switch off
the ignition and then repeat the start
If control indicator A continues to flash,
try to start the engine using the spare key
and consult a workshop. We recommend
your Vauxhall Authorised Repairer.
Picture no: 17028t.tif
If control indicator A illuminates after
the engine is started, there is a fault in
the engine electronics or
transmission electronics 3 (see pages 180,
186, 194, 206) or there is water in the diesel
fuel filter 3 (see page 294).
The electronic immobiliser does not lock
the doors. Therefore, after leaving the
vehicle always lock it and switch on the
Vauxhall alarm system 3
see pages 76, 83.