User's Manual

Vave Personal Ultrasound • USER MANUAL
CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY. CAUTION — Investigational device. Limited by Federal law to investigational use. Not commercially available in the US.
3.5.4 Forgot Password
To reset your password, open the “Forgotten password?” option on the sign-in screen. Enter the email address
you used to sign up. A verification code will be sent to your phone via text message. You will then be able to enter
a new password.
3.6 Organizations
In order to perform exams you have to be a member or admin of an organization. At first, the Organization
Screen will appear empty. This is where invitations and active organizations will appear. You can also decide
to create your own organization and invite members to join.
The following options are available:
• Create New Organization: starts organization creation process
• Learn More About Organizations: displays detailed information about organizations
• Profile Settings (user avatar): lets you modify your profile
The following screen will appear
if you have no organizations set up:
Invitations to join organizations and active organizations will appear as shown below. You can
select an Invitation to accept it or select an active organization to open the main Vave App dashboard.