5.9in 23.6in 11.8in 11.8in Layout of support substrates: - the substrates should be made of homogeneous materials. - The position of the substrates should not interfere with thermal deformation of the frame. Scheme of fastening elements: - fastening elements A - distance between fasteners approx. 27,5in E - distance to rebate corner approx. 5,9in The sliding system is assembled according to the above-mentioned scheme using dowels and anchor plates.
INSTALLATION PROCEDURE FOR SL60 SLIDING METAL-PLASTIC SYSTEMS 1. Measure and match the dimensions of the opening with the dimensions of the sliding system to be installed.
2. Fasten the frame with screws at the corners.
3. Install the frame of the sliding metal plastic window in the opening and ensure the requirements (including the size of the installation gaps) in accordance with the measurement sheet.
4. Level, fix and secure the lower part of the frame. Ensure that the weight of the metal-plastic construction is evenly transferred to the building part by means of support blocks. Pads can be wooden (antiseptic hardwood) or polymer.
5. Level, fix and secure the left and right parts of the frame of the sliding system. When fixing, pay attention that there is no deflection of the profile of the metal plastic window.
6. Fix the upper part of the plastic structure frame, preventing sagging. 7. Seal the installation gap, installing protective and finishing elements and materials, if necessary.
8. Install the sashes of the sliding window from top to bottom. 9. Place the sash stops on the frame from above and below and fix them with screws. INSTALLATION OF A SASH STOP In the upper and lower parts of the frame, it is necessary to install elements that protect against water and dust entering the room. The elements are installed strictly in the center of the frame.
. Place the window handle on the sash. Handle hole handle on the sash Window handle pin 1,18 in 1.
. If the outlet system is equipped with a mosquito net, when installing it, please note that the rollers are located at the bottom of the mosquito net sash. The sash is first inserted into the upper part of the mosquito net frame and then into the lower part of the frame.
. Check that the rosette system is working properly. 13. If necessary, carry out additional finishing work.
PACKAGE CONTENTS: 1. 4 pcs. frame beams 2. 4 pcs. screw 3. 2 pcs. sash assembly 4. 1pc. window handle 5. 1 pc. sash with mosquito net (according to the order) 6. 3 pcs.
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